You can spend hours wandering the streets of Manhattan and never grow bored. The aroma of roasted peanuts on one block and horse dung on the next. In only a minute’s stroll your view can change from the abundant foliage of Central Park to the mishmashed architecture of 5th Ave. And the people! Tourists with cameras as necklaces, heads raised high in awe at the tallest and brightest buildings. Ah yes, and the New Yorkers in the trendiest of trends, hands filled with bags, weaving in and out of sidewalk traffic. Spiderman, Batman, Superman and their nemeses all live and work here. Each day holds a surprise in the merry ol’ land of Gotham. And of course there’s always the thrilling celebrity sighting: out-of-town celebs are usually caught walking out of a private SoHo boutique, hidden behind sunglasses. The local celebrity can be spotted pushing a stroller or grabbing a coffee in the West Village.
On Sunday, I was subject to one of the most unexpected spectacles in these city streets…the ever elusive and often cunning visitor, known as Ex-Boyfriend. Yes, Ex-Boyfriend lurks anywhere at any time and though he may not dwell in New York, he will make seasonal migrations. He waits patiently for the most unsuspecting moment and without warning he will strike, outfitted with smug disregard. We hope to be prepared for such an attack, armed with our most flattering apparel, perhaps even a handsome man nearby for extra ammunition. But on the streets of Manhattan, one can never be prepared for the city’s mystic ways. After a long Sunday morning run through central park two friends and I were walking down 7th Ave. With my hair in a ponytail, brow moist, no make-up on, dawning an unassuming smile, I headed toward the Nike store on 5th ave. And right there in broad daylight, only a few blocks from my own home, I cross paths with him! This is not just any ex-boyfriend, it’s “THE Ex-Boyfriend.” The Ex of Exes (the ex that you don’t really want to run into but know you will eventually). It all happened within seconds. He walked past me as though he didn’t see me (As if! He saw me alright), hand-locked with a girl (poor thing) who noticed me noticing them as she craned her head around to get a good look at ME, the irreplaceable and charming Ex-Girlfriend ;-).
I will tell you dear readers, I have seen quite a few things on these streets. I’ve crossed paths with celebrities such as Ethan Hawke, Tyra Banks, Philip Seymour Hoffman and Jennifer Aniston. I’ve seen a parade of midgets, a man living in a sphere of water, a dancing cow-girl in the nude, a 12 man police chase…but yesterday’s sight had to be one of the strangest things I’ve seen so far. I mean, for goodness sake! He doesn’t even live here. Of all the streets in Manhattan, of all the patches of sidewalk, of all seconds of the day! We crossed at that very moment. After he disappeard my friends and I laughed in disbelief at what we just saw. A few minutes later the shock wore off and my friends asked me what I was thinking and I said, “That’s it? That was the face-off?” A year and a half in the making, on a random city street and I must say it was rather anti-climactic. But now that it’s all over I do feel a slight relief, to know that it’s safe out there once again, to wander my streets of Manhattan.
My dear friend: Glad you experienced "the encounter". Wasn't all that bad huh?
no, but I think it made for a good story though!
great story, and in the infamous words of pharrell, "you should stop frontin'", the "EX" def saw you, stop frontin' Mr Ex.
who knows, who cares.
I'm sure you looked hot even with a pony tail and no make-up.
Hey its new york...high population of rats roaming the streets.
I hate to be a buzz kill, but Spider-Man is the only superhero on your list who lives and works in New York. Superman is based in Metropolis and Batman is out of Gotham City. You would make a very poor comic book nerd, my dear. Other than that, well done!
Gotham is based off of New York City, is it not??
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