What can I say about being alone? It’s lonely being alone. It’s sweets and A-minor. It’s gray and stubborn. It’s bitter and Dostoyevsky. It’s Radiohead and candles. It’s rain and sighs. It’s ‘the-glass-is-half-empty’ and paranoia. It’s sweatpants and discolored visage. It's indecision and indifference. It’s soft horns and disappearing under the sheets. It’s 10 missed calls and unjust reclusion. It’s bloating and remembering. It’s pictures and smiles. It’s futile letters and arbitrary anger. It’s mirrors and regret. It’s too much wine and late night calls. It’s praying and sleeping. It’s throwing and keeping. It’s breaking and judging. It’s insomniac fiction and fulfilling hunger. It’s stubbly legs and smooth longings. It's a song played one too many times. It’s salty lips and hopefullness. It's the gentle nudge of old rhythms. It’s happiness come round once again. Alone is discovery, it is anticipation and it is change.
The familiar face of renaissance reveals herself in the cool calm of the morning. Alone; I wholeheartedly embrace her.
Very well said Rakhs. I concur with what you wrote. Living alone for the first time made me discover more about myself!
the girl is not completelyyyy alone--she does have a roommate (and a very cool one!). she just happened to be out of town for the past week! ;-)
I was about to say, doesn't Rakhee have roommates?!
That being said, anyone can be lonely, flatmates or no flatmates. And there are different types of loneliness that can exist even when surrounded by your dearest friends. So, 'cool roommate' shouldn't take offense. :)
Alone is quite often a state of mind.
While self-discovery is wonderful and an ever evolving part of one's life, sometimes you just crave companionship. To be in someone's arms - to feel that same embrace...and just like that, all those sad songs take on such a different meaning, that wine taste much sweeter, candles tango into the night, as insomnia translates into bliss.
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