Sunday, February 12, 2006

Let It Snow!

I Love New York indeed...

Absolutely gorgeous! Around 4pm yesterday it began to snow and hasn't stopped since! At first it didn't seem to be sticking but as it went into the night the roads were covered in white. My friends and I debated whether we would stay in or venture out. Of course we chose the latter. How could we resist the dangers of walking on slick sidewalks in high heeled boots. Catching a cab around 10pm on the upper west side was no problem. Even better was the fact that we didn't have to wait in line once we arrived at the lounge. I had the good sense of not staying out so late. I left my friends around 1am for the warm and dry confines of my apartment. I heard that it was not an easy task hailing a cab in the snow around 3am. Lucky me :-) Today, I've just been observing the city and I can't help but love it. It is really a beautiful sight. There is over a foot of snow on the ground right now and it is said to be accumulating 3 inches per hour! Will that stop me? Hell no. My roommates and I have decided to venture out into the blizzard once again. We're going to the movies. Though it's only 4 blocks away I'm sure it will be an adventure. I wish I had snow boots! I'll just have to go oldskool and pull out the plastic bags like Moms used to. Brokeback Mountain, here I come. I'll let you how it is. In the meantime enjoy some snow ridden scenes from around the city.

Blizzard 2006, New York City

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nice pics!